In the Grip of Anxiety? – How Increasing Awareness Makes Managing Anxiety Possible

By |2019-01-07T18:16:08+00:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: anxiety treatment|

Managing anxiety can feel like a nearly insurmountable task. However, there are tried and true methods to help you get out of the grip of this overwhelming condition. In fact, one of the most useful anxiety treatment options is mindfulness. Simply by increasing your awareness of the present moment, you can reduce the intensity of anxiety.

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Coping with Anxiety: 5 Ways a Mindful Perspective Can Help

By |2018-10-01T05:47:24+00:00September 4th, 2018|Categories: anxiety treatment|

Coping with anxiety is difficult. Anxiety makes our bodies feel like their very survival is at stake. Our hearts race, our breath constricts, and we get tense. Therefore, it can be extremely difficult to calm down and gain perspective. However, there are many skills we can learn to help us reduce anxiety. For example, mindfulness is [...]

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Science & Psychology: Is Anxiety Caused by a Chemical Imbalance in the Brain?

By |2018-06-05T19:34:27+00:00June 4th, 2018|Categories: anxiety treatment|

Anxiety, though unpleasant, is a natural human emotion. Sadly, though, for some, anxiety becomes a crippling condition that impedes their ability to live a normal life. What is the underlying problem of this affliction? It is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain or something else?

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Anxious About Past Mistakes? – The Best Ways to Find Inner Peace

By |2018-03-06T13:22:35+00:00March 5th, 2018|Categories: anxiety treatment, personal growth|

Are you haunted by your past mistakes? Do they prevent you from taking risks, knock down your self-esteem, or determine how you interact with others? It is natural to hold onto our past mistakes as a way of self-preservation. For example, a toddler might learn the dangers of fire having touched a candle's flame. The trauma [...]

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Understanding Anxiety: A Useful or Harmful Part of Human Nature?

By |2018-01-04T23:21:38+00:00January 2nd, 2018|Categories: anxiety treatment|

Anxiety is a part of human nature. Understanding anxiety means grasping its significance to your life. Is it useful or harmful? Consider what role it should be playing and what role it may be taking on.

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Overwhelmed by Anxiety? – Suppressing Your Emotions Is Not the Answer!

By |2017-11-07T14:58:59+00:00November 7th, 2017|Categories: anxiety treatment|

Stress and anxiety can threaten to overwhelm you at any moment. But suppressing your emotions is not the answer to staying calm. Why? What works instead?

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How to Regain Balance When Anxiety Has Your Mind Whirling

By |2017-08-28T18:32:46+00:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: anxiety treatment|

No matter what may trigger it—an upcoming performance evaluation at work, a text message canceling a date, a highly disturbing news report—when anxiety sets in, we’re often hard-pressed to keep our thoughts under control. A simple doubt or worry suddenly morphs into a cascade of dismal thoughts. The negative emotions that follow on their heel suck [...]

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